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Strengthen Your Immunity With NAD+

Strengthen Your Immunity With NAD+

Posted by Invity team on 28th Jun 2024

We all want good immunity to protect our bodies and stay healthy. Did you know that NAD+ is a powerful tool your body uses to strengthen your immunity, boost your energy and age more healthily?Think of the coenzyme NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) as a special ‘helper’ molecule in your body. The problem is that its levels in our body decline as we age, which can have a big impact
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Acne & Blemishes: Do’s and Don’ts for Acne-Free Skin

Acne & Blemishes: Do’s and Don’ts for Acne-Free Skin

27th Jun 2024

Dealing with acne-prone skin and breakouts can be frustrating at any age. Understanding the right way to treat your skin can make a world of difference. In this guide, we’ll break down the do’s and don’ts for achieving clear, acne-free skin. From debunking common myths to providing effective treatment tips, we’re with you on your journey to healthier, happier skin. Change Your Thinking About
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Adult acne & Blemishes: Understand the Causes

Adult acne & Blemishes: Understand the Causes

26th Jun 2024

We often think of acne as a major cause of teen skin distress, but the reality is that acne can persist or even develop into your 30s, 40s and beyond, and it can have a big impact on the sufferer’s self-esteem and quality of life. Understanding the types of acne and underlying causes at your stage of life can help you find effective treatment and prevention strategies for a c
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Enlarged Pores: Your Guide to Smooth, Clear Skin

Enlarged Pores: Your Guide to Smooth, Clear Skin

Posted by Invity team on 17th Jun 2024

It seems everyone wants ‘poreless’ skin, but actually we need our pores for a healthy skin. What we don’t want is large, visible pores – these can make us feel self-conscious, and they’re the perfect environment for blackheads and pimples.The good news is you can minimise enlarged pores and get the smooth, fine-textured skin you want. Here's a rundown of what you need to know.Understanding Skin Po
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Redness & Rosacea: Calming Strategies

Redness & Rosacea: Calming Strategies

Posted by Invity team on 14th Jun 2024

Some of us are born with skin that flushes naturally, and that can be charming, but when facial redness is permanent, accompanied by itchiness, or triggered by spicy food or a glass of wine, it can be distressing.  Your skin could be sensitive, or it’s become sensitised and something’s causing it to become irritable. It could also be rosacea. Knowing the difference between these is imp
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Dehydration vs. Dry Skin: Decoding the Difference

Dehydration vs. Dry Skin: Decoding the Difference

Posted by Invity on 5th Jun 2024

Dehydrated skin and dry skin are often confused, but they are distinct skin concerns with different causes, and addressing their needs requires both hydration and moisturisation. Once you understand these differences, you will be able to give your skin the care it needs. While they're related, hydration involves increasing the water content in the skin, while moisturi
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Hyperpigmentation: How To Prevent & Treat Dark Marks

Hyperpigmentation: How To Prevent & Treat Dark Marks

Posted by Invity team on 4th Jun 2024

Hyperpigmentation – dark patches, melasma and post-acne marks distinct from your natural skin colour – affects millions of people worldwide at some stage of their life. It’s most common in women and it affects all skin tones and ages. While medically harmless (it may be a warning sign of UV damage and hormone imbalance, however), hyperpigmentation can cause emotional distress, and it can be d
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Ageless Skin: Unlock the Secrets for Each Decade

Ageless Skin: Unlock the Secrets for Each Decade

Posted by Invity team on 1st Jun 2024

There’s a French saying: Before 40, a woman’s face reflects her genes; after that, it shows how well they've looked after it. They might have a point. Ageing is a gradual, continuous process, but did you know that less than 20 percent of how our skin ages is caused by natural internal or intrinsic factors? Think about it. That means that 80 percent plus of skin ageing – lines, sagging sk
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Love the Skin You're In

Love the Skin You're In

Posted by Invity on 15th May 2024

Our skin is so much more than just a barrier; it's a bridge that connects us all. It's a canvas that reflects the narrative of our lives with its myriad textures, hues, and imperfections. It bears witness to our joys, sorrows, triumphs, and challenges, forming a common bond regardless of our origins. Skin-to-skin contact, a universal dialect, forges bonds of love and security, essential for
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Earth Month 2024: Invity's journey to sustainability

Earth Month 2024: Invity's journey to sustainability

Posted by Invity on 24th Apr 2024

At Invity, sustainability isn't just a buzzword – it is the guiding principle in everything we do.We are committed to sustaining healthy longevity and beauty for you, our planet and our business.Earth Month is the ideal time to reflect on our commitment to the planet and the great strides we're taking towards achieving 100% sustainability.Protecting Nature, Preserving BeautyOur actions are influen
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Sleep and Skin Health: Understanding the Vital Link

Sleep and Skin Health: Understanding the Vital Link

Posted by Invity on 9th Apr 2024

There’s a reason they call it beauty sleep. We’ve probably all presented a haggard face to the world after a bad night’s sleep, but what we see on the surface is the least of what’s happening in our bodies when we don’t get enough, good-quality sleep.Let’s unpack the intricate relationship between sleep and health, and how sleep (or a lack thereof) affects our skin. Plus we’ll explore simple ways
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Skin ageing: Signs, causes and best solutions

Skin ageing: Signs, causes and best solutions

Posted by Invity on 27th Mar 2024

Most of us are concerned about our skin ageing. That’s not really surprising as our face is the first thing people notice about us. And a huge amount of money, research and time is spent on trying to prevent or address these signs, which include skin that looks wrinkly, leathery, saggy, marked and aged well before its time.The first, most critical thing to understand is that while ageing is inevit
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The latest skin rejuvenation agent: NAD+

The latest skin rejuvenation agent: NAD+

Posted by Den Yi Ann on 18th Mar 2024

While ageing is a natural process, you can influence how well you age. Let’s explore the latest skin rejuvenation agent – NAD+. How you age depends on many factors, including your nutrition and lifestyle. Research shows nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) can reverse visible signs of ageing and improve your overall health. Boosting your skin’s concentration of NAD shows great promise in the fi
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Non-Invasive Instant Wrinkle Filler Treatments: How Do They Work?

Non-Invasive Instant Wrinkle Filler Treatments: How Do They Work?

Posted by Invity on 14th Mar 2024

Non-invasive wrinkle filler treatments have become tremendously popular in recent years. For good reason – they're a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. And skincare technology advancements mean that those of us who don’t want to go under the knife no longer need to resort to drastic procedures to achieve a refreshed, younger-looking skin. Let’s investi
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Common Skincare Mistakes to Avoid for Better Skin Health

Common Skincare Mistakes to Avoid for Better Skin Health

Posted by Invity on 24th Jan 2024

Skincare is not just about looking good; it plays a vital part in nurturing the body's largest organ and contributes significantly to overall health and well-being. Skincare effectiveness isn't solely reliant on adhering to the latest trends or using an array of products. Rather, it encompasses a deliberate journey that requires careful navigation to avoid common pitfalls that can compromise
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Anti-Ageing Benefits of NMN

Anti-Ageing Benefits of NMN

Posted by Invity on 23rd Jan 2024

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) is a promising molecule that has garnered attention in recent years in the eternal quest for healthy ageing. While ageing is a natural process, it brings about various challenges, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and a decline in overall health.  Many of us seek effective methods to promote youthful ageing and maintain our vitality. This desire to slow
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Dietary Supplements - Do You Really Need Them?

Dietary Supplements - Do You Really Need Them?

Posted by Dr. Eugene He on 1st Dec 2023

We know a balanced diet is key to providing us with essential nutrients to maintain energy and good health. So is there really a need for dietary supplements? With global sales of USD140.36 billion in 2020, many of us do seem to think that there is a place for health supplements. Approximately 40-50% of men and women in the United States take supplements daily, including vitamins, minerals, ami
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Activating your skin’s youthful health: Anything but routine

Activating your skin’s youthful health: Anything but routine

Posted by Invity on 23rd Oct 2023

Activating your skin’s health, beauty and youthful future should be anything but routine. We take you from the essential skincare you need daily to the specialist additions that help up your beauty diva game.  After all, if you take care of your skin from your youth, you’ll reap handsome skin dividends in later years. Where do I start activating my skin’s youthful appearance, healt
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Invity Anniversary Pop-Up 2023 Recap

Invity Anniversary Pop-Up 2023 Recap

Posted by Invity on 6th Oct 2023

Celebrating 2 Years of Excellence Did you miss the Invity Anniversary Pop-Up event? No worries! We're here to give you a recap of the unforgettable day that took place on September 22, 2023, at the delightful Dough Cafe. Under the theme "Press Pause on Ageing, Hit Play on Longevity," we celebrated our birthday in style. Let's take a journey back and relive the highlights:Event Highlights Immer
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Invity's Essential Skincare Routine

Invity's Essential Skincare Routine

Posted by Invity on 29th Sep 2023

Invity’s essential skincare routine: Give your skin its bestWant to maximise your skin’s health and beauty? Give it a great skincare routine. Our 3 easy-to-follow day and night routines provide essential protection and repair against environmental damage. Then switch things up with specialist treatments that give it the nourishment and youth-protecting benefits it needs to help you achieve the bea
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NAD+: Your Ultimate Skincare Elixir by Invity

NAD+: Your Ultimate Skincare Elixir by Invity

Posted by Dr Harshal Ranglani on 31st Aug 2023

The role of niacin in overall health has long been known. Pellagra is a well-documented symptom complex of niacin deficiency comprising the 4 D’s : diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis (inflammation) and death. Dermatitis is common, demonstrating how important niacin is for normal skin functioning.Niacinamide (or nicotinamide) is the active form of vitamin B3 (or nicotinic acid). In the body, it gets co
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Don’t Let Your Muscles Go To Waste

Don’t Let Your Muscles Go To Waste

Posted by Dr. Eugene He on 31st Aug 2023

Your muscles are essential for any kind of physical movement. Making up around 40% of your body weight, they also play an important role in regulating metabolic functions in your body, such as balancing blood glucose levels. With age, muscle loss, also known as sarcopenia, can occur, and cause certain health problems.As we grow older, the size and strength of our muscles progressively deteriorates
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Metabolism - The Science Behind Weight Loss

Metabolism - The Science Behind Weight Loss

Posted by Dr. Niveditha Navin on 31st Aug 2023

Have you met people who complain about eating less and gaining weight or someone who eats whatever they want, and apparently never gain weight due to fast metabolism? Well both scenarios raise the same question- What is the role of metabolism in weight gain or loss?What is Metabolism?Generally people think metabolism is only about a muscle or an organ, but it actually refers to all the processes o
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How to care for your eyes in a digital world

How to care for your eyes in a digital world

Posted by Dr. Amita Joshi, PhD on 5th Jul 2023

It’s official. We are spending more and more time in front of our screens. As Covid ushered in work and school from home, online weddings, birthdays, baby showers, reunions, and almost all other forms of socialising, our reliance on connecting digitally. With remote or hybrid work, and our ever-increasing dependence on technology, the reality is that we will continue to rely on connecting onlin
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